Masterclass: reconciliation with artificial intelligence. Meet Dattos AI.



Automatize qualquer tipo de conciliação usando inteligência artificial, reduza em até 90% o tempo dedicado à tarefas manuais e otimize o fechamento em grandes empresas e multinacionais. Mais eficiência, dados confiáveis, visibilidade de todo o processo e implementação completa pelo nosso time de especialistas.

Dattos brought agility to our routine. Now, we've stopped running behind the clock and started focusing more on analyzing and resolving issues.

Débora dos Santos

Accounting Analyst at PUC-RS

Transform your routine

Leverage the best of technology and artificial intelligence to automate recurring tasks. Make your teams more strategic, focusing on what really matters: business growth.

Save time

Tasks that take days in Excel spreadsheets become tasks completed in minutes, freeing up time for analysis and other financial routines.

Trust the data

We map your entire process and integrate all endpoints. There's no room for error: reliable data, without the risk of manual mistakes, and quick identification of inconsistencies.

Real-time tracking

Adapt and organize workflows according to your routine and needs. We understand that every team has different processes.

Solutions for conciliation
Accounting reconciliations

Compare accounting records with external data sources, such as bank statements and invoices, ensuring all financial transactions are correctly reflected in the accounting books. Automate your routines, standardize processes, and ensure accurate data reporting by the accounting team within the deadline.

Tax reconciliation

Reduce risks and prevent tax issues with automated processes for controlling and validating records and obligations. Compare tax books with the calculation system, general ledger, and obligations much faster. Ensure transactions are compliant with tax regulations to guarantee organizational security.

tax reconciliation
financial reconciliation
Financial reconciliations

Verify balances and transactions between internal financial records and external documents, such as bank statements and payment reports, in an automated way, avoiding manual errors. Ensure that inflows and outflows are correctly aligned with cash flow and accounting records, identifying potential discrepancies in minutes.

🚫 Restrição de Atendimento: Nossa solução é desenvolvida para empresas de médio e grande porte. Escritórios de contabilidade não estão contemplados.

How does it work?

Secure, fast, and automated! In just 4 steps, you ensure greater data security and reliability, better process management, and free up time for more strategic activities.

Integrate systems and tools and upload any type of digital document.

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Define information separation into columns, structure your data using artificial intelligence, and create the rules for the process you want to automate.

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Assign responsibilities, deadlines, and steps, centralizing control of the process without micromanaging the team.

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Leave the heavy work to Dattos and receive your data ready for analysis.

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How does Dattos simplify conciliations in practice?

Talk to our experts

Schedule a demonstration and discover how Dattos can help you and your team save time by reducing manual tasks, ensuring more reliable data, while tracking every step of the processes in real time

Frequently Asked Questions

Our platform offers various integration options to facilitate data extraction and preparation. This includes file import, SFTP connections, direct integration with databases and API services. In addition, we support integrations with leading ERP systems, cloud storage services, major banks and payment acquirers.

It can import a wide variety of files, including texts, spreadsheets, XML, OFX and PDFs. In addition, it is able to read special standards used in the financial area, such as CNAB, SPED and many others.

Direct connection to various databases widely used on the market, such as relational and non-relational databases, facilitating integration and efficient data processing. Some examples are SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL and Oracle.

There are various options and formats for exporting reports, meeting the need for customization and integration with other systems, such as spreadsheets, text files and PDFs. It is also possible to establish direct connections, facilitating integration with BI tools and other applications.

In addition to data extraction and preparation, the Dattos platform is totally flexible and allows for different flow configurations to carry out any type of reconciliation. In other words, matching two sides, using comparison mechanisms such as 1×1, NxN, 1xN, etc. The possibilities are endless and you can even monitor and manage each process using the task management tool, increasing transparency and governance.

Some examples of how the Dattos platform can optimize the day-to-day work of finance teams are: complete reconciliation of accounting routines, tax reconciliations, bank reconciliations, financial reconciliations, calculations and calculations such as IFRS 16 and PECLD.

More than 97% of our customers say they have saved time by using the tool and are now carrying out more strategic activities. Through automation, our users reduce the time spent on manual tasks such as reconciliations, calculations and complex calculations by up to 90%. This is possible thanks to features that make the routine much easier, such as the automatic identification of discrepancies, uploading of entries and approval of accounts in bulk and the creation of recurring flows with the support of our artificial intelligence.

One of the biggest benefits of automation, along with saving time, is the significant improvement in the accuracy of the data reported. Using the Dattos platform, manual interventions in spreadsheets, formula errors and data manipulation are eliminated, since the system reads, prepares and analyzes automatically, according to the process and business rules defined between the client and our team of experts. In addition, the entire history of uploads, postings, operations and changes is recorded on the platform, allowing any intervention made to the data to be monitored and visualized, and facilitating auditing.

Much more than executing financial processes, our platform allows you to centralize all communication. Register one-off or recurring tasks, define customized stages, include teams and people involved in the process, assign deadlines, comment, notify, mention and monitor progress in real time, in a way that is totally flexible and adaptable to what works in the day-to-day lives of those who use it. Our clients take advantage of these features to monitor closing activities, audit deliveries and tax payments 

Everything is recorded and centralized, making it easier to organize and optimizing the time of the financial and operational teams.

By automating your reconciliation, calculation and accounting routines with Dattos, you guarantee greater control and governance of activities. Approval flows, recording of justifications, attachment of evidence, logs with the entire history of updates and uploads are just some of the features that will greatly help with auditing.

No. Our reconciliation solution is aimed exclusively at companies that want to automate their internal financial processes.